Small family business welcomes you to our shop. We offer a great collection of stencils and decals. More stencils will be featured...

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I am a motorcycle lover and everything that is related to it. I started riding motorcycles when I was 12 years old. I have always dreamed of having a motorcycle and not just a motorcycle, but a unique one. I wanted it to stand out from the crowd. I didn't know it then, but thats what a custom bike is.

Of course, it all started with lessons in mechanics, solving electrical problems, etc. And today, I have enough experience to solve any problem that a motorcycle has.

But not long ago, I realized that this knowledge was not enough for me and I decided to gain more knowledge in this field.

That's how I started painting motorcycles and succeeded quite well in this field.

I would like to share my experience with you.

Next, let’s talk about stencils that are used for airbrushing motorcycles or cars.

There are different materials used in custom airbrushing such as: masking tape, adhesive tape for patterns, vinyl tape, stencils and much more.

I would divide these stencils into four types:

-Mylar - (thin plastic),

Lets break it down a little:

Fabric - the stencil is made of cotton material, (women’s stockings like pattern or lace underwear pattern). This stencil is easy to wash and easy to use. But theres an exception to every rule. Such a stencil is difficult to keep in a place while airbrushing. It slides, stretches, thereby deforming the proportions of the picture. Of course, you can fix it with magnets or tape, but there is another BUT. After you go over the stencil with your airbrush or spray gun, the picture will become unclear, faded and blurry. For someone such result could be satisfying, not me though.

Mylar - this stencil is made from synthetic polyester fiber (polyethylene terephthalate)... Haha, do you really think I'm going to tell you the technical stuff? Of course not.
This is a thin film stencil sold in sheets usually 5x5 inches. They come in different sizes. It is also easy to use, easy to clean from paint and most importantly, it is reusable. And again, there is a tiny BUT. This stencil is ideal for flat surfaces, but not for the curved ones that a bike or car has. Just like a fabric stencil, you can attach it with magnets or tape and it will work. Yes, yes, again there is another BUT.
In places of cutouts and the outline of the pattern, this material does not fit snugly to your part and therefore it has to be pressed with fingers or a hand, which is not always convenient. As a result, the paint will fall outside the boundaries of your stencil and the outline of your drawing will look indistinct and blurry, which can become an unpleasant problem.

Vinyl - This stencil is made from a thin, self-adhesive vinyl film, which gives it many advantages.
Vinyl stencil is very flexible, it bends easily. It can be immediately glued to any part of a motorcycle or car. No need to use magnets, tape or other improvised means. It fits snugly to your part and does not allow paint to get beyond the borders of your stencil, which in my opinion is a huge plus. You're drawing will be crisp, even, and will look professional.
Despite all these advantages, there are also a tiny disadvantage. This stencil will essentially be one-timer. It CAN be peeled off and attached to the part again, but only if you don’t take too long between peeling it off and on again. Vinyl can dry out and it will be difficult or simply impossible to stick back.
There are only few cons, in my opinion. Working with vinyl stencil is my preferred painting material.
This stencil is perfect for both beginners and professionals in this field.

Paper - well, everything is much simpler here, as you already know. A paper stencil is made of paper - ( said Captain Obvious). Of course, it is disposable. It is necessary to fix the paper stencil in the same way as Mylar, with magnets or tape. This stencil has the same disadvantages as Mylar, so I will not focus on it.

Well, friends, I explained to you briefly all pros and cons of each stencil.
And what was I trying to say? Oh yes.

Moreover, in addition to airbrushing motorcycles, I am also engaged in the manufacturing of stencils for airbrushing.

I make stencils exclusively from vinyl material, as I consider it the most manageable and convenient for work. If necessary, I can make a stencil from a Mylar also.

That was my little story about myself and my products...

Thank you for your patience and future orders :)